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Prints with a focus on the environment aim to celebrate some special fauna and flora. In undertaking the digital artwork from which the prints below are drawn, most attention has been placed on the Sunshine Coast region of Queensland.


Brief descriptions that are provided below with each print provide background information about each environmental feature.


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Byron palms


Walking tracks on the Mount Byron plateau include the Piccabeen Walk that commences from near The Gantry in the Mount Mee section of the D'Aguilar National Park.


Groves of piccabeen palms (Archontophoenix cunninghamiana) along the Piccabeen Walk create a cool, enticing and relaxing environment for walkers. Afternoon light filtering through the overlapping and entangled leaves of the canopy colours the foliage in delightful tones of green and yellow. In contrast to the irregular and in places chaotic mesh of palm leaves, the piccabeen palm trunks stand gracefully straight.

  • Byron palms is printed on canvas, stretched over a wooden frame

  • Large prints: canvas dimensions 102 cm x 71 cm

  • Limited edition prints (25 in total) are individually signed and numbered by the artist

Red stringybark rest


The coastal track in Noosa National Park follows the shoreline eastwards from the main park entrance, providing many spectacular coastal views.


A red stringybark adjacent to the track provides a convenient resting and leaning spot for walkers. Wear on the bark at the base of the tree reflects the advantage visitors take of the convenient architecture of the roots and the proximity of the tree to the pathway; as if showing appreciation of the interaction, areas of bark on the tree receiving most wear take on an attractive deeper red colour.


  • Red stringybark rest is printed on canvas, stretched over a wooden frame

  • Large prints: canvas dimensions 102 cm x 71 cm

  • Limited edition prints (25 in total) are individually signed and numbered by the artist

Fan palm

The North Queensland Fan Palm (Licuala ramsayi) is a spectacular species native to the tropical rainforest areas of northern Queensland, often seen growing along riverbanks and in swampy areas. The fan palms are abundant in the Daintree rainforests.


Sunlight in the middle of the day illuminates leaves of a palm at Daintree from above, bathing walkers below in an ethereal light.

  • Fan palm is printed on canvas, stretched over a wooden frame

  • Large prints: canvas dimensions 102 cm x 81 cm

  • Limited edition prints (25 in total) are individually signed and numbered by the artist

Witta bamboo grove

Bamboos are spectacular plants with clumping and running forms together comprising over a thousand different species. In eastern Asia they are used extensively - from building homes to making furniture to the incorporation of bamboo shoots in cooking. Most clumping bamboos are suited to tropical and subtropical climates; they are shallow-rooted, with growth limited by each rhizome that is produced developing into a single hollow-jointed aerial stem (culm) located close to its mother culm. Gardeners are wise to plant only clumping types despite the beauty of running bamboos.


Morning light enhances colour variations in smooth culms of bamboo (Bambusa sp.) in a thick grove at Witta near Maleny. Several culms within the clump lean gracefully towards one another as if seeking an embrace that demonstrates their strong commitment to the communal clump.

  • Witta bamboo grove is printed on canvas, stretched over a wooden frame

  • Large prints: canvas dimensions 122 cm x 76 cm

  • Limited edition prints (25 in total) are individually signed and numbered by the artist

Avenue with green canopy


Branches and foliage of large trees along an avenue reach across a roadway as if embracing one another to form a green canopy that protects those who choose to venture along the pathway.

  • Avenue with green canopy is printed on canvas, stretched over a wooden frame

  • Large prints: canvas dimensions 102 cm x 71 cm

  • Limited edition prints (25 in total) are individually signed and numbered by the artist

Osprey at lunch


The Eastern Osprey (Pandion cristatus) is a medium-sized fish-eating bird of prey. Its dark brown upper parts contrast with a pale-coloured lower body. A dark brown band that extends across the eye separates a pale-coloured head from a white throat.


One osprey in the Point Arkwright area south of Coolum is a particularly skilful fisher; it is painted here in the process of ripping apart a lunch-time catch held in powerful talons.

  • Osprey at lunch is printed on canvas, stretched over a wooden frame

  • Large prints: canvas dimensions 102 cm x 71 cm

  • Limited edition prints (25 in total) are individually signed and numbered by the artist

Lorikeet on Xanthorrhoea spikes

Rainbow lorikeets: beautiful but at times bold, belligerent, and bossy. The birds are communal, travelling in pairs or flocks. Although rainbow lorikeets can chatter quietly when feeding, they typically screech in flight and can be particularly noisy when they congregate around sunset.


Rainbow lorikeets favour fruit and the nectar of flowers for food but will also eat grain. 


An inquisitive bird at Witta near Maleny pauses quizzically while feasting on the nectar of flowers on the spikes of grass trees (Xanthorrhoea sp.)


  • Lorikeet on Xanthorrhoea spikes is printed on canvas, stretched over a wooden frame

  • Large prints: canvas dimensions 102 cm x 71 cm

  • Limited edition prints (25 in total) are individually signed and numbered by the artist

Yellow tail

The yellow-tailed black cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus funereus) is a spectacular large bird with yellow cheek patch and yellow panels on the tail creating highlights against otherwise characteristic black plumage. The crest at the top of the head is only short.


Although normally raucous and noisy, a male bird at Witta near Maleny adopts an almost regal pose in late afternoon light.

  • Yellow tail is printed on canvas, stretched over a wooden frame

  • Large prints: canvas dimensions 102 cm x 71 cm

  • Limited edition prints (25 in total) are individually signed and numbered by the artist

Majestic tallowwoods

Tallowwood trees (Eucalyptus microcorys) are native to Queensland and New South Wales. The common name reflects the greasy feel of the wood when cut. Tallowwood is highly durable, with attractive grain and colour varying from yellow brown with a hint of olive green to distinctly paler shades.  


The clump painted here exceeds 30 metres in height, standing majestically as the trees thrive on the fertile soils that have developed on a basaltic plateau. Late morning sun highlights parts of the canopies as if seeking to recognise and enhance their natural beauty.


  • Majestic tallowwoods is printed on canvas, stretched over a wooden frame

  • Large prints: canvas dimensions 91 cm x 61 cm

  • Limited edition prints (25 in total) are individually signed and numbered by the artist

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